Speed Up Data

Center Construction

Hyperscalers, colocation builders, and general contractors use Doxel automated progress tracking to avoid data center construction delays, eliminate overbilling, and reduce construction schedule risk.

Data Center Projects

Speed Up Construction

Doxel helps data center developers reduce schedule risk by early identification of production delays, reduced rework, and improved communication for better trade flow. Learn more.

Accurate Progress Tracking

99%+ accurate work-in-place reporting provides complete and consistent reporting of all construction project progress. Doxel has helped correct multiple $300k+ change orders and invoices by reporting the true percent complete.

Identify Delays And Prevent Rework

Identify production delays earlier, reduce rework, and improve communication for better trade flow. Doxel’s project dashboard and custom executive reporting provide information in near-real time, helping initiate recovery sooner.

Improve Performance Across The Portfolio

Benchmarked production rate data helps clients negotiate better schedules and choose high performing trade partners. Doxel maps production rates back to the fundamental components vs. relying on inconsistent reporting from various contractors.

How It Works

How Doxel Speeds up Data Center Construction

Doxel applies image recognition to site photos to automatically track construction progress. By comparing the plan to what is actually installed, teams proactively avert delays and shorten schedules. They deliver faster and on budget by reducing rework, trade stacking, and overbilling. Cloud operators get to compute capacity faster, more predictably, and for less cash outflow.


Just share your BIM and schedule. A crew member walks the site with 360 camera mounted to a hard hat.

Smart Image Recognition

Doxel AI recognizes and counts materials from the 360 imagery compared to BIM & schedule.

Accurate Progress Tracking

You and your team get quantities installed, percent complete, and visualizations of what’s installed, updated with every capture.

Speed up data center construction with advanced tools like production rate data, benchmarking, and quantities installed driven by the industry’s most accurate AI-driven progress tracking.


Average reduction in overbilling eliminated by objective data.


Faster project delivery from increased labor productivity.


Less time spent manually tracking construction progress.

Prevent Schedule Delays

Everyday Examples of Reducing Schedule Risk

Data Centers

Production Rate Data

Identify and recover Production Delays

A Project Manager used Doxel production rates to predict a critical path pipe insulation activity was to finish 3 weeks late, even though manual reporting onsite estimated it was on track. The field then used Doxel’s data to justify doubling the crew size, helping to recover in time and avoid a lengthy delay.

Progress Tracking

Schedule Delays

Eliminating Rework on Data Center Projects

A Project Manager looked at Doxel’s progress data and validated that duct hangers were not yet installed, even though the field reported they were in place. Catching this issue before the ceiling was filled in avoided a 2-week rework delay.

Progress Tracking

Construction Zones

Improve Productivity by Trade


A Project Manager reported that electricians now have more accurate and frequent visibility on which rooms/zones are ready for them, so they can sequence their work more productively and avoid trade stacking in rooms/zones that aren’t quite complete by other trades. Despite rampant electrician labor shortages, this increased productivity allowed them to deliver on time.

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